Vlc record rtsp stream command line

Vlc record rtsp stream command line. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I found a way doing it using VLC: Stream Media as : rtsp://192. setup Test input my_video. It is also possible to start vlc with an ncurses interface: $ vlc -I ncurses see the documentation for more information Jun 30, 2011 · I'm on Mac so i know for sure this is possible with VLC 2. After you successfully entered the stream with all valid credentials you will be able to stream live video from the IP camera right in VLC. If you leave the Destination text box empty, VLC will listen on all the network interfaces of the server on port 8080. 1) rtsp://admin:[email protected]:10554/udp/av0_0 Method 1: Live Streaming through RTSP. Check activate transcoding and select desired output format (click tool icon next to dropdown If the camera has RTSP authentication turned on, you will receive a prompt from VLC to enter the Username and password. We can use openRTSP (A command line program ) program to store/record the RTSP streaming packet into the local folder. 2 may work better from Cmd, and allows to use VLM Config file without output errors. sudo apt-get install ffmpeg. User-Agent: LibVLC/2. Trying to figure out a way to start an instance of VLC from the command line to stream 3 displays on a Win7 box. I can view the stream using simple: vlc -vvv rtsp://10. 42 is the multicast IP address you want to join. streaming rtsp video in vlc plugin. OpenCV must have ffmepg support. Since most of the smartphone apps I tested don't support reconnecting the stream automatically after being finished, I want to have only one handshake being valid all over the Jul 28, 2012 · Recording Your Desktop to a File. – Feb 9, 2015 · 8. rtsp. VLC will open up a new list of options, pick Strong from that list. Let us discuss these steps METHOD 1. Here's the output of vlc -H of the stable 1. Ask Question. And it works every time. StartupOptions. Not sure why you having issues; Axis ActiveX works pretty good for me. We are currently experimenting with streaming a webcam attached to one of our Linux servers (Ubuntu 12. 101:554, and I choose "8000ms" of cache, and take 1:4 zoom. The first way to stream our video is through the RTSP protocol. Press Add to the right side of the top section. Receive an unicast stream % vlc -vvv rtp:// Receive a multicast stream % vlc -vvv rtp://@239. Open rtsp stream from camera Jun 21, 2013 · It plays the video while streaming, and it also saves the stream to file. These RSTP commands are tested and proven to work correctly. Constraints & progress thus far: VLC 1. Then, on the video client hosts: ffplay udp://239. What is the proper way to RTSP stream, transcode and save to file? 0. Aug 24, 2016 · While showing the rstp-stream, we are trying to transcode, and record it to file for later use. Documentation on VLC's wiki seems outdated. cap. Improve this answer. Surveillance systems do this by default. Get the ID of Youtube video, using it in the gdata feed request (v=cpST8yz4w1w) Parse the output for the rtsp url you want - format 1 is low bandwidth , format 6= HIGH. 7/1234 (the "1234" is the [default] password the device requires to be in the url, for those who want to restrict access to the stream) What I need is to have a cli-only linux box record the Oct 9, 2012 · Saving RTSP stream with VLC. Below we will As you can see, the RTSP URL requests a stream with the mpeg4 codec. 09) It looks that there is an option CURLOPT_RTSP_STREAM_URI in libcurl that works under the hood of curl tool, but I can't find command I'm trying to figure out how to use the server capabilities of VLC. Jul 22, 2020 · when I try to play rtsp://localhost:8554/stream0 with another VLC player, it seems VLC successfully connect to RTSP but soon after it terminates its connection with message live555 error: no data received in 10s, aborting. 04) using VLC, and although we are able to successfully stream the video and view it remotely, we need to change the number of frames per second (which is defaulting to 24). In VLC, under the Tools menu, go to Preferences (or Ctrl+p), open the Input/Codecs tab, and at the bottom in the Network area, the selection for "live555 stream transport" should be moved from "HTTP (default)" to "RTP over RTSP (TCP)". As well, the command output depends on VLC version used. From here, click on the Network Stream option. the following code is working for local conversation Jan 20, 2016 · I have seen several other related questions but they all seem to be related to grabbing a still shot every X number of seconds. exe" Using above command line will make VLC into a NVR to record IP camera PS: Decode, encode require too many advance knowledge, while we just want to apply to our simple case. Convert files to other formats. Alternatively, you can use MPRIS to interact with VLC. The really good news is that all you need to do is run a single command in the terminal to start the stream! This section will cover the following: Understanding the RTSP Command; Running Our First Test Stream; Understanding the RTSP Command May 6, 2021 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. The default frame rate is one frame per second, which won’t appear very smooth. 2. mime=<mime type> to set the mime type returned by the server. mpg. The RTSP commands on Axis cameras differ between the old camera models and the newer ones. The plaform I use is Windows 10 Enterprise x64 10. Also, you might want to get debug informations. Here is the cvlc command: cvlc -I dummy rtsp://[email protected]/0/av0 --sout="#transcode{vcodec=h264,acodec=mp3,vb=500,fps=30. Globally using the GUI. xyz. that might be tedious with VLC to combine live display and on-demand streaming. DotNet · GitHub. Copy and paste the URL to an RTSP stream. If I use the VLC GUI I can both save segments as saving VLC Streaming HowTo; Introduction Streaming, Muxers and Codecs: Main Easy Streaming: Advanced Streaming Using the Command Line: Command Line Examples: VLM VLM - Multiple Streaming and Video on Demand: Tutorials and examples Receive and Save a Stream: Convert files to other formats: Stream a File: Stream a DVD: Stream a DVB Channel At the simplest, you can create a shortcut somewhere like your desktop that will run VLC and start recording the stream. Share. 5554 is the port on which you stream. Jun 19, 2017 · But, for the 2 commands below, streaming works only when using GUI and not command line. It is now read-only. First I tried openRTSP and ffmpeg but both of them gives incorrect output (Index missing etc). sdp . I tried using playbin and everything works fine. See the example below, where I get the video stream from my Axis 223M camera. I've read a lot of the VLC cli, but havn't had any luck of saving an RTSP stream as segments. 8 Vetinari. Mar 25, 2021 · I have been trying for a while to record an RTSP stream with libVLC in python. 255. Details of both options below: Altering input video locally using the command-line: You can request a specific video size from youtube from the commandline by using the --preferred-resolution Nov 30, 2021 · 4. Replace <password> with the password of your choice (for the telnet connection you'll be using below). Follow. Option 3: It could be a problem with how information is encoded in the stream concerning the resolution. Jan 27, 2017 · taskkill /f /IM "vlc. May 16, 2018 · Record and display RTSP stream · Issue #420 · ZeBobo5/Vlc. Apr 30, 2013 · The command: ffmpeg -i rtsp://@192. Server: ffmpeg -f v4l2 -i /dev/video0 -preset ultrafast -vcodec libx264 -tune zerolatency -b 900k -f h264 udp://127. Nov 18, 2019 · Oh, I didn't understand that your app would need a display as well. 1:62156 -acodec copy -vcodec copy c:/abc. With VLC open, select Media from the top menu. To create overlay effect and to stream video out, I use VLC player v3. You can likely use this stream for use in your May 5, 2014 · I installed VLC media player application with apt-get command some time, however when I write "vlc" to the terminal I have the following output: root@fercis:~# vlc The program 'vlc' is currently not installed. In the viewer, I can set this through Tools, Preferences, Input / Codec, Demuxers, RTP/RTSP, Use RTP over RTSP (TCP). Install FFmpeg for your OS. vlc -vvv --color -I telnet --telnet-password <password> --rtsp-host 0. Next, in the Network tab, enter the RTSP stream URL in the Please enter a network URL field. mp4,access=file}"; Mar 27, 2015 · I have an IP stream coming through VLC media player in Window 7, and I would like to automate the process of opening the stream and start recording at a specified time, and stop VLC and the recording at a specified time. The first item specified will be played first. sdp --sout=file/ogg:mystream. This will place the record tools on your VLC player window. I can play the rtsp stream via gstreamer and vlc. 0. Record multiple RTSP streams into a single file. If you want rtsp, you will likely need a sdp somewhere in the string. stream in StreamManager. I'm currently using rtsp as protocol and the loop option, but this is no mandatory. When they are done, they can hit 'stop' to end/finalise the RTSP capture. Nov 21, 2015 · Start VLC with the following command line. 0 or later and utilize the qtsound module: vlc -vvv qtsound:// Win: Use sth like: vlc dshow:// :dshow-vdev="None" :dshow-adev="Your Audio Device" Linux: Use sth like: vlc alsa A VLM configuration file is a list of command lines : one line corresponds to one command line. stop_recording() But the only difference is that the source of video is the IP camera. mp4 format (other video format is ok, too) including AUDIO(I have a microphone for each camera). Input your RTSP URL into the open field. Asked 6 years, 8 months ago. 0 playground to interact directly with youtube api -gets the feeds. Jan 6, 2020 · Record the camera stream on disk; Post-process either in real time or offline. AddOption("--rtsp-tcp"); For debugging I added those debug statements, and then you can add the answer posted by Vinshi. 18363, with VLC 3. You can also append --help-verbose if you want more detailed help. I have not looked at Shinobi in detail, but I assume they also use ffmpeg. Use wireshark to capture stream, found that it doesn't send sps 1. Also, you might want to get debug information. ZoneMinder for example uses ffmpeg or VLC. Open rtsp stream from camera using vlc. Enter the IP address of the multicast group (in the 224. PiCamera() camera. I wish to use VLC to stream IPCAM (s) to UBUNTU. This is a direct connection IP Cam -> Viewer, and should really be the fastest. I was able to use VLC's internal logging window to see it: Open VLC, go to Tools -> Messages. I also don't know why you need the demux part, because you use only video and only one stream. Dec 23, 2015 · Streaming connected camera to RTSP using VLC is pretty much easy, Make sure to have camera plugged into the computer or host. Started the rtsp. I want to capture that in a . While HTTP streaming is a newer standard offering more features, RTSP/RTP streaming may work better when streaming through a firewall/router, which doesn't have UDP streaming open. Mac: Use VLC 2. camera = picamera. There is probably also a way to stream rtsp with vlc using just one command line. To capture and record a video of your desktop to a file, click the Media menu in VLC and select Convert / Save. python. I had looked at the gstreamer bus several times, however most of the tutorials and examples I saw were merely showing how to handle various messages from the pipeline. Set Verbosity to 2 (Debug) Then do your conversion, and everything will be logged in the messages window. However, when I try to record 30-seconds video, using. Sorted by: 4. ) I can get VLC up, displaying my camera, and recording using the command: vlc dshow:// :dshow-vdev="USB2. 0 Camera". So it is best If someone could make a summary case of VLC usage and make a github page Apr 14, 2010 · I have a net cam which provides a rtsp stream via the default 554 port. Stream a DVD. mp4. If you are able to see your video feed into VLC media player, then your RTSP stream is functioning. [00007fbb22137b60] stream_out_rtp stream out: Consider passing --rtsp-host=IP on the command line instead. ffplay "rtsp://rtspstream:<password>@zephyr. however, the syntax you are using seems about right, but I don't know the details. May 24, 2017 · I need to write a video client able to stream data from an RTSP source using GStreamer. Unzip downloaded the FFmpeg ZIP folder. ccc. pwd=<password> to set the basic authentication password. exe rtsp://username:password@IPorURLofStream Jul 7, 2021 · Here are the main steps to play RTSP stream via Command Line interface using FFmpeg: Download FFmpeg. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . Sorted by: 0. 0 (latest nightly build version) With the first version, I could transcode and stream from the webcam, but it could not playback the stream properly (it just gave a blackened video stream) With the second version, it worked well for transcoding, streaming and playback. Click on the Play button. Go to Media > Stream and select appropriate tab (file, disk, network, capture device) > Stream. Mar 30, 2016 · 1. 11 (latest Windows stable release) VLC 2. If you cannot see the video, proceed to troubleshoot the issue further. So vlc --longhelp --advanced will give you all options. Then use the bundled ffplay utility to read the RTSP Stream. You’ll probably want to increase the You can set the required input video settings in VLC for your YouTube clip in either of two ways: Locally using the command line. bbb. For every 3hr recording a new file should be created, so timestamp has to be appended to the file name. 264) from the IP camera using VLC command line in Windows. Receive an HTTP/FTP/MMS stream. 241. from time import sleep. Stream a DVB Channel. The multicast stream will be able to traverse up to 8 routers because the TTL is set to 8. 6 on Windows 10. This study was done on: Streaming over the local network means that the streaming device and all the receiving device (s) should be connected to the same router for the streaming to work. How can I grab 1 image when the command is run. 10. However, a display device cannot decode and play the rtsp-stream because it cannot receive SPS and PPS frames. 0 for the other platforms this should work as well. May 2, 2020 · I am trying to capture a network stream using VLC GUI in Ubuntu. Stream a File. Viewed 2k times. 1. Modified 6 years, 8 months ago. where http://example/stream. The first thing you’ll need is a video stream. May 27, 2019 · If I can detect then I can close and restart VLC. Basic methods to capture a stream are described on the Videolan website. 2. Another streaming command I've had good results with is piping the ffmpeg output to vlc to create a stream. exe" -I dummy --dummy-quiet "c:\test\test. UDP Multicast: Stream to multiple computers using multicast. Set dst=:port/path (where port is the port number and path is the optional path name). Feb 27, 2018 · With VLC it works without any issues and data send in request to RTSP server looks like this: OPTIONS rtsp://192. VLC 2. exe) My use case for this code is using an Amcrest Camera that needs authentication. 3. 1 Answer. In chapter 4 in the section related to RTP Streaming examples for Nov 9, 2017 · Preferably the similar API as the PiCamera like so: import picamera. I want to use RTSP protocol. Mar 17, 2014 · i just want to stream my RTMP live Streaming to RTSP using VLC Software. Record on disk. If you're able to view the stream on the client side, then we can use OpenCV for image processing. Adding --advanced will give the "advanced options" (for advanced users). But the saved video doesn't have audio! But the saved video doesn't have audio! The command worked partially. To stream a media file over HTTP, do the following in the std module: Set access=http, and. Item options are: user=<username> to enable HTTP basic authentication and set the user. Aug 12, 2013 · 5. Beware of recursive calls: you can put a load (file) in a configuration file which can lead to recursive inclusion of the same file and result in VLC's crash. Oct 25, 2012 · To make the rtsp protocol work you need to enter this line VlcContext. I configured VLC to stream a video I have on my laptop using RTSP and I want to create a pipeline to get that stream and show it. Running Mac os 10. Below is how to run headless vlc "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc. Client: ffplay udp://127. Jul 19, 2023 · To serve the rtsp stream I'm using mediamtx found here. jpg break. I use python and opencv-python to capture frames from video, then use ffmpeg command to push rtsp stream with pipe. will not do transcoding and dump the file for you in an mp4. 80:554/h264 RTSP/1. Installing VLC Player sudo apt-get install vlc Streaming The Camera Video Using RTSP. I can view the stream perfectly using VLC (GUI mode) when I open rtsp://192. We can start an instance of each one individually, and connect to each (though not at the same time, hence the need for 1 instance; we are assuming this will fix it). Haven't tested those commands though. Opening RTSP URL using FFmpeg. The video will not be displayed, but it Oct 19, 2018 · 1 Answer. Choose Video on VLC. Receive and Save a Stream. For Debian based systems you can use. Go to the Network Stream option. Select the Media menu and select Open Network Stream. But that would not be very stable or repeatable. I can then view the stream from a connected PC using VLC. Of course this is assuming the streamed contents are compatible with an mp4 (which in all probability they are). Type the RSTP video stream address (see Video stream setup above), click the arrow located next to Play and then click Convert. If you don't have these installed, you can add them: sudo apt install vlc ffmpeg In the example I use an mpeg transport stream (ts) over http, instead of rtsp. Although I have found the documentation about the command line, I have not been able to produce anything that actually works. You can access to the stream with: vlc rtsp://server:5554/Test. py | vlc --demux=rawvideo --rawvid-fps=25 --rawvid-width=640 --rawvid-height=480 --rawvid-chroma=RV24 - --sout "#display". Just to clarify <path to vlc player> -I dummy --dummy-quiet <path to file>. 1:5000. Part 1/2 Usage: vlc [options] [stream] You can specify multiple streams on the commandline. 42. Then click Next and Check display locally (optional) and from the drop down box select http: and click add. I could then play the stream in the Wowza LiveVideoStreaming client using: Server: rtmp://localhost/live. They will be enqueued in the playlist. Follow instructions in script to setup a socket for VLC. Press Play. where server is the address of the streaming server (IP or DNS) Share. cd "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC". Q&A for work. rtp — is the name of the VLC module we will use to stream to RTSP Option 2: Enable VLC's verbose mode (console log) and see what errors or messages come up. Stream from a DV Camcorder. VLM - Multiple Streaming and Video on Demand. What flags/options should be added to this stream output string to achieve this Adding --advanced will give the "advanced options" (for advanced users). CLI - use openrtsp to request. The options open the stream full screen with no title. 4. 2 RTSP streaming on VLC. The point is that I need to fine tune the latency used to stream the video but Apr 11, 2022 · You are depayloading H264 from RTP, but you forgot to parse and decode it before passing it to autovideosink. stream. mpg"}}" This seems to be broken on VLC 2. vlc. This often helps, and points into new directions to look for solutions. start_recording('video. ZeBobo5 / Vlc. This worked, I can now view the video stream in VLC player. I try to capture and record to a file rtsp video stream (h. This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 21, 2022. We are currently using the following command to create the stream: Feb 26, 2019 · There are two IP camera streams on input, and only one video stream combining both views in overlay - as output. Of course this requires a conversion from BGR to RGB as Long story short: I have a CCTV camera that transmits a RTSP stream. Click the Capture Device tab and select Desktop from the Capture mode box. From here, they can use VLC on a PC to remotely connect to the server and watch the captured May 31, 2019 · I am trying to record a video from a camera and save the recording to a file, using the command line on Windows. Click the Save button at the bottom of the Input & Codecs Settings window. I used this log option on VLC and ran it for a day, --file-logging --log-verbose=3 --logmode=text --logfile=blah. CSeq: 2. But not using VLC in command line which is necessary for the script. ALSO, using "h265" in the URL never got a Open VLC Media Player, click the Media tab and then click Open Network Stream. – Once the RTSP stream is being captured, the user can then hit preset bookmark buttons which will generate a chapter marker on the recording in real time, with the custom text. 168. Access your Network Stream. At the Open Source dialogue window, on the Network Tab, enter the following string where aaa. Older version VLC2. The problem is, that every time the video restarts a new rtsp handshake is necessary. Activate the Record Tool: Select the View menu and select Advanced Controls. To do this, use -v or -vv (this will show lower severity messages). To create a configuration file, just edit a text file and type a list of VLM commands. It supports up to 4 user-configurable camera streams, allows viewing of on-board storage, and enables snapshot images and video recordings. (My comprehension of the vlc documentation is poor at best, and I need some help figuring this out. Note that ffplay can be started before the stream is being transmitted. Apr 12, 2012 · RTSP streaming on VLC. I have been looking for a way to set this from the command line. The log files end up with something like this in them typically, main debug: adding a new sout input for `hevc` (sout_input: 0384ac70) Oct 28, 2015 · This article explains how to configure the VideoLAN VLC media player to stream live or on demand streams through RTSP/RTP over TCP (RTSP/RTP interleaved). Enter the address of the network stream in the Mar 18, 2024 · Streaming RTSP from AXIS Cameras using VLC. Click the Open button. wmv. Jun 6, 2020 · Choose Stream from VLC Menu. I run it from command line to setup everything (correct overlay, accepting input streams and creating output stream). Learn more about Teams Jun 13, 2021 · Open VLC RTSP in Windows from Command Line. Next I need to see if there is anything else that has activex RTSP streaming. The goal is to use VLC to capture each chunk and automate the whole thing using a script. Type it very, very carefully so that every space and every dash is exactly copied. release() And the command line (my webcam has a different resolution, and I only display the result, but you did not have problems with that) python opencv. 02. Then connect to the vlc telnet interface and create the vod object: new Test vod enabled. Or, you can also press Ctrl + N hotkey to open up the Network Stream wizard. Jun 18, 2018 · In linux, we use v4l2 to grab frames from camera. VLC will open a new window for you to configure your stream. Either run the script from the command line or register the script with keyboard shortcuts through your desktop. 8. I tried to alter to syntax of set one - with/without cvlc/vlc , zoom, cache, without any success. ffmpeg -y -i rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/live -f image2 -updatefirst 1 do. 3:4567 The client hosts will play the video received on the multicast stream. DotNet Public archive. Maybe a workaround could be to kill the task after a couple seconds. EDIT: Jun 10, 2017 · how to command line VLC to RTSP IPCAM. Launch VLC media player. 228:554/live. More specifically, how to export an SDP file when RTP streaming. So there is a way. You would need to get in touch with the vendor of your RTSP server software in Feb 20, 2015 · I have to download streaming videos that are broken up into multiple chunks. I have a basic command that works with cvlc, but I am unable to do the same with libVLC. 0}:std{mux=mp4,dst=test. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. In both cases, I contacted IPCAM's manufucturer to get the correct syntax. (Notepad. 2 (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2016. Use one of the following command lines: % vlc -vvv http://example/stream. Jun 26, 2021 · Download and install the VLC media player. The resolution you are streaming will be based on the camera’s capability and via Videolan-streaming-howto. Open Command Prompt in the Unzipped FFmpeg folder Jun 14, 2022 · I have a problem streaming video using VLC. 0 to 239. Just copy the existing VLC shortcut by right-clicking on the VLC icon on your desktop, selecting Send to , and choosing Desktop (as shortcut) , then right-click on the new shortcut and click Properties . Click Browse to choose a location for saving the video, type the filename, and then click Start. Options-styles: --option A global option that is set for the duration of the program. I'm trying to save 5 seconds . How can it be done using a command Running VLC from the command line works but there is no way to stop it or give it a seconds to record option. [00007fbb22137b60] stream_out_rtp stream out error: cannot add this stream (unsupported codec: RV32) [00007fbb26a264a0] main decoder error: cannot create packetizer output (RV32) Any ideas? Your help would be much appreciated. I I tested the command line pipeline without the -e option and it still recorded, however the resulting file would not display anything in VLC. Oct 24, 2023 · 1- IP Freely. If you want to stream RTSP directly to web page, then I am afraid your only option is to use an ActiveX control viewer that comes with the camera. 12. RTSP and RTP for streaming from an IP Camera. 1 seems to work when using. I can capture the streaming video just fine in the GUI using the Command Shift R hotkey. Describes a few ways to open and read an RTSP Apr 25, 2013 · Default is UDP. Apr 6, 2016 · Pls follow Streaming HowTo/Command Line Examples, see also FLV support. ddd is the IP address OR the DNS name of the desired camera. Create a Batch file using your favorite plain text editor. Your RTSP video stream will commence and the audio and video from Apr 27, 2022 · Open VLC media player and navigate to Media > Open Network Stream. Enter the following command to start the streaming: raspivid -o - -t 0 -n | cvlc -vvv stream:///dev/stdin --sout '#rtp{sdp=rtsp://:8554/}' :demux=h264 raspivid is used to capture the video "-o -" causes the output to be written to stdout . At the prompt, enter the camera’s credentials. 0 --rtsp-port 5554. Thanks. 0. Stream from Encoding Cards and Other Capture Devices. The first phase for me is to be able to record the video stream from the camera on disk. Select desired port not in use and hit Next. Stream: rstp. ogv Jun 6, 2016 · Teams. 255 range). Tutorials and examples. where 239. 5. Open VLC, go to: Media >> Open Network Stream and enter the RTSP URL. i was tested these streaming conversation in my local, the rtmp to rtsp streaming conversation working perfectly in my local side. mp3". h264') sleep(5) camera. In this article, we will use the RTSP URL (or commands) for all Axis camera models, encoders, recorders, and multi-sensors cameras. IP-Freely is an open-source free IP/Web camera stream viewer and recorder with a clean UI, multi-threading, and cross-platform compatibility. Question had already existed, please see source below: Steps: Use Oauth 2. stream/movie". mov segments of an RTSP stream with VLC. I sucessfully recorded the output of my D-Link DCS-5222 network camera using the following command: vlc rtsp://user:password@ip/play1. I was trying. HTTP: Stream by using the HTTP protocol. Use the RTSP Stream URL copied in Step #1 above. Eg: Suppose, If we need to stream the IP camera through this application, then use the following command. I have set the streaming as follows: Open VLC; Press CTRL+S in order to open streaming options; Add the video file; Add destination setup as RTSP, port 8554 and path "/"; Activated transcoding; Press "Stream"; Once installed, launch the VLC media player application and then go to its Media menu. All the solution from the internet came without audio and saving frame by frame I fell it is not a cool solution. xyz is the HTTP address of the stream Jun 9, 2014 · VLC looks like an ideal candidate to process your stream. Do a search for " sout=#transcode " or " qt4 debug " to find the line with the conversion settings. vlc rtsp-stream :sout=#transcode{vcodec=mp1v,vb=700,scale=1}:duplicate{dst=display,dst=std{access=file,mux=asf,dst="C:\file. 5 in Windows. The stream has to be stored to a file on disk that should be split after 3hrs of recording. zi br df to qn xz qf mn qc hb