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Gitlab ci only branch name

Gitlab ci only branch name. job: # use regexp only: - /^issue-. yml could call a script setting that branch ( settings an environment variable ), provided you have a convention in place to select the branch you want out of the (possibly) more than one Aug 3, 2018 · In the scenario above, if you are pushing multiple commits to GitLab to an existing branch, GitLab creates and triggers the docker build job, provided that one of the commits contains changes to either: The Dockerfile file. Mar 6, 2019 · How can I match a branch name a variable? If I set the variable to 1. Jul 2, 2018 · 1. *$/ # use special keyword except: - branches Sep 16, 2021 · I have a gitlab-ci. For example, perhaps when your sprint begins, in addition to creating your sprint Find your way around GitLab. Tutorial: Use the left sidebar to navigate GitLab. May 30, 2020 · Problem Summary: My goal is to add a rules clause to configure a Gitlab CI job to run if an environment variable is set, or if manual action is performed. So, in our release process we create releases branches with the following name “release/*” (release/1. I have a . May 7, 2021 · I would like to lauch my treatment only if my branch starts with a number and the string -release. The documentation of the predefined variable CI_COMMIT_REF_PROTECTED is a bit unclear. 01". Therefore, anyone who can push . script: - some script running. e deploy_on_dev and deploy, and the playbook name will be same as the source branch name and that’s the reason we want to use source branch name in the deploy job Please see . 0", so we had to do. You can find which branch a tag is part of. needs: [ "test:php" ] script: Feb 27, 2019 · Using only:variables: combined with CI_COMMIT_REF_PROTECTED seems to be a good solution to your problem, but the details are difficult to determine without experimentation. If there is a push into develop branch the Pipeline should NOT start. . The thing is, I want to run a shell script that compare the source branch &; target branch in GitlabCI ru Sep 25, 2022 · No, it's just the previous (parent) commit of the current branch. How can I stop the job running when a tag is created (I have tried exclude - tags). Test: except: - schedules only: refs: - /^[0-9]*-release/ - merge_requests image: ubuntu before_script: The pipeline starts whatever the branch name :'(Thanks for your help Feb 11, 2021 · GitLab CIでは、 rules キーワードを用いることでマージリクエスト (MR)作成時・更新時に、MR元ブランチでのCI パイプラインの実行ができるようになっています。. image: alpine. In this example, a job named pdf calls the xelatex command to build a PDF file from the LaTeX source file, mycv. The helper script fetches main and checks if tag is on it. i also tried regex as suggested BY Mar 25, 2017 · My dev would like the master to be the Cutting edge branch that is automatically build, pushed and deployed to the staging environment. echo "Ref $1 is not on main branch - exiting. 0. *$)$). /test. You're on the right track with only:. Part of CI/CD Collective. If multiple jobs have the same name, only one is added to the pipeline, and it’s difficult to predict which one is chosen. 7 true if debug logging (tracing) is enabled. Use Sigstore for keyless signing. I have also checked gitlab ci documentation and it also provide the right ways to do it. Jul 31, 2015 · 1. If you want to get the source branch for your tag, you can use the API to get the branch your commit belongs to and start from there. I am trying to exclude a specific branch production from the gitlab pipeline in AutoDevOps, however I don't seen to be able to figure out the correct syntax. script: Feb 18, 2021 · Gitlab CI starts build as it is not "test" branch. Using workflow, you can control the execution of stages generally, and using rules you can control the execution of a specific stage. Share. answered Sep 25, 2018 at 19:48. I know that there is a CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME variable that returns the value of the current Branch, but this is not my case. The problem is that job will only trigger if a file in the specified directory has changed for the current commit. deploy: tags: - server only: - /^staging-. Script will detect merge happened from "test" and exit. Connect to cloud services. 12 (May 2021):. Available in branch pipelines, including pipelines for the default branch. Any of the files and subdirectories inside the dockerfiles directory. It may be hard to avoid detection, but he can do it. The job definition pointing to dev branch can export the dev_aws_credentials to aws_credentials and run the job accordingly. Feb 8, 2021 · I am trying to only trigger the pipeline when commit message has the conditional phrase. When a new version is ready to ship out, he creates a “stable-” branch, builds this with a separate CI file in this Apr 28, 2021 · It automatically detects which version (major, minor, patch) to increment by commits prefixes. 5. CI_DEBUG_TRACE all 1. Pass the value of feature branch name to a variable in gitlab-ci. Unfortunately this is not directly supported by gitlab-ci. else. include: - local: branch/${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}-config. git submodule update seems to always fetch the latest commit regardless of the branch. Create job artifacts. The in-product tutorial will give you all the necessary information to analyze your project. yml file Oct 28, 2019 · What I have so far. IF this CI pipeline is triggered by a merge request THEN never run create-build-image. 5 days ago · So, when a tag is created, even for a branch, it is not really created for that branch, but as a reference to the latest commit in that branch. Basically what I want is this: if master: test: stage: test. only: refs: - merge_requests changes: - &quot;**/*. Instead of having to choose between time and flexibility, GitLab offers both. The jobs should only appear in the pipeline if the pipeline running is a tag, AND if there have been changes to a specific folder that we’ll call tests. I have configured gitlab ci/cd pipeline for my project. In addition to the Auto DevOps template, GitLab offers several CI templates that can be modified as necessary, or you can override specific settings. What am I missing? The part of my gitlab-ci file: stage: publish. CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH 12. Pipeline editor. txt and file2. Tutorial: Use Fortanix Data Security Manager (DSM) with GitLab. How can I use the pushed branch name in the script? I tried using the same regex and the job failed. $ git checkout -b new-branch-name. and after you are done your task push With GitLab 13. Instead of 'except', you can use 'only' to specify one branch which should be considered for builds Dec 5, 2017 · gitlab ci: Run build job when manual or when master only. Not available in merge request pipelines or tag pipelines. 0, new projects created via the GitLab GUI will use main as the default branch name. Dec 16, 2021 · thanks! torvik. The pipeline runs successfully but the stage publish_snapshot_rpm is not executed. Follow. GitLab CI/CD pipelinesは、プロジェクト毎に. tex. yml and further variable should used in work rule’s if condition. Nov 12, 2019 · Have env/branch specific variables in CI/CD vars. yml below. Name it as you want, for instance PUSH_TOKEN, and paste there the value of the token; check that the Mask variable flag is set to true. It seems rules replaces only/except functionality in the latests GitLab versions. Jul 14, 2022 · 1. From the docs: The commit branch name. Sorted by: 0. Nov 29, 2021 · Gitlab Ci: execute a stage for any branch except A or B. stage: build. I wrote about it in the question. Oct 22, 2019 · The idea was to make branch-specific includes like. Sep 2, 2022 at 14:42. Jul 5, 2021 · I have a gitlab CI/CD pipeline which has a couple manual jobs that I want to run only on specific conditions. Validate syntax. So I have used base template which has 2 stages, build & package: The build stage builds the project and creates a jar file. Does this answer your question? How to run Gitlab-CI pipelines only branch and tag? – quoc9x. 0 and above, you have a predefined CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME environment variable you can use in your jobs. Proposal Implement special keyword HEAD that uses default branch as CI input: Aug 13, 2019 · Unfortunatelly YAML-anchors or GitLab-CI's extends don't seem to allow to combine things in script array of commands as of today. First 3 stages (build, test and package) should be run on each push to the git and the last one (post_merge) should be run only when project maintainer is merged merge request into the master branch. I have set up my GitLab pipeline and I’m using GitLab CI variables to generate my configuration file during the build phase. Is it possible to have a gitlab-ci file wheres a build job defined with the following requirements: get executed when manual OR. So, as in here, your gitlab. yml files are being generated by copy-pasting from different repos or samples. In GitLab 9. For the stable, production, environment he works with branches. Jul 8, 2023 · when: manual. However, this requires that the author prefix the branch name with docs-or suffix the branch name with -docs. How to get a list of changed files in a commit (GitLab Forum) Aug 26, 2020 · I have a nodeJS application which I deploy with Gitlab CI. It can update not only gitlab tags, but ie send slack notifications, update version files or have any custom logic. Is it possible to select a specific branch so that instead of branch XYZ, e. This will allow only branches with an exception for everything except your RCT_Release branches. 0/. Any of the files inside docker/scripts/ directory. Oct 29, 2022 · If the name is an empty string, the pipeline is not assigned a name. Mureinik. On the “package” stage I create a docker-image with my application and push Jan 23, 2019 · 5. script: 8. " exit 1. I am currently looking for a way to have the Branch name in a Merge Request. whenever user tries to merge the code into remote feature braanch, he/she will assign a value to feature-branch name in that file and Jul 27, 2020 · I encountered a problem about GitlabCI and I was hoping someone could help me with that. SonarScanners running in GitLab CI/CD jobs can automatically detect branches or merge requests being built so you don't need to specifically pass them as parameters to the scanner. That's working. Simply create two different steps, one with only: master and one with only: test . Jul 17, 2023 · The intention is to only build the components of our software that have changed. If you are using GitLab CI there is a way to achieve what you want though. Has anyone achieved this before ? Oct 10, 2010 · 3 Answers. Branch FOO can be deployed on 'dev' without having to change the gitlab-ci. But a lot of . script: . 2. pdf. tex artifacts: paths: - mycv. Sep 25, 2018 · 183126. suppose, I'd like to set an environment variable, depends on the branch name. To analyze your projects with GitLab CI/CD, you need to: If a project uses CI for deploy to a server, it needs access to the target server. Nov 17, 2019 · A branch can protect with which people can push on it or which people can merge on it. get executed by master push. The job runs for each tag in repository if name of tag starts with "v". Is it possible to do this? Oct 28, 2021 · Instead of using the commit message, you can use git push options to set CI/CD variables: git push -o ci. Configure OpenID Connect in AWS. v0, v1 branch naming common to Go projects), current implementation requires hardcoding default branch name into . May 31, 2022 · a simple request, but can't find any sample for it. Defaults to . answered Sep 12, 2017 at 14:56. This pipeline should consist of 4 stages. This requires knowing this pattern in advance, and even then it can be easy to forget. To do this more secure you can add tags and read the previous pipeline only if it has the correct tag. Now we’ve set up a couple new environments, with each having its own database and other credentials, so I need to generate my configuration file using each environment’s variables Feb 6, 2024 · Using the git rev-parse Command. g. stage: test. Use GCP Secret Manager secrets in GitLab CI/CD. Proposal Allow runners to be limited to specific branch/tags or at least to protected branches only. variable="RELEASE_BRANCH=release/2021. txt exist in the runner host. ymlファイルにパイプラインの構造と実行順序を定義して以下の内容を実行します: GitLab Runnerで何を動かすか。 From a specific branchb : develop And allow to run any branch from web run pipeline button. I want to run the stage publish_snapshot_rpm for any branch except master or release. That job will only run on commits that are part of a merge request, rather than every push of a commit to a branch. Here is what I have: You can use the workflow to control pipeline creation. This is my current yml and the job is run when a branch is created that end in '-rc'. When pushing to branch XYZ, the corresponding script runs, let's assume on stage 'dev'. Build your application. If we can’t do this way can you please suggest some other method to solve this. And currently we run our CI pipelines only in “master” (we don’t change to main yet) and “developer” branches. Just in case if anyone else has the dot in the branch name too. When I call it, the input parameter needs to change depending on whether or not this is a merge into master. yml with ${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME} while using a branch name f/ci will result Mar 16, 2021 · I would like to use a custom variable as branch inside a trigger downstream stage, but it looks like so far that before_script (when I put the variable assignment) is not called before a trigger stage. You can use Predefined Variables or even custom variables to write some rules. json&quot; except: - $ Stack Overflow May 28, 2021 · GitLab CI/CD run step only if on correct branch AND it has changes. script: echo 'test'. 1. Mar 10, 2021 · Action required: When upgrading a self-managed instance to GitLab 14. CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY Sep 16, 2020 · How to change variable in gitlab cicd pipeline depending on branch. At this point, build started at p2 is cancelled by Gitlab, build started at p2 is cancelled by your script. something like this (of course, this code doesn't work) variables: 1 Answer. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. 7 all The image prefix for pulling images through the Dependency Proxy. Mar 1, 2019 · Hello everyone, my name is Roman and I’m trying to set up CI pipeline. It is a GitLab personal access token (created in User Settings) with api scope. If default branch name differs from master (e. Jul 27, 2022 · The problem is that you have two jobs with the same name. There you will find a checkbox that says "Only allow merge Jul 14, 2022 · GitLab CI: Get branch name from merge-request. The subsequent pipeline can access this artifact an read the hash/name. yml. 302k53319362. deploy_master: script: - <script to deploy to master server> only: - master deploy_test: script: - <script to deploy to test server> only: - test. To run this example in GitLab, use the below code that first will create the files and than run the script. Include examples. Since Git version 1. gitmodules file. In the include there should be some Variables defined, which then influence the jobs, which must be run. I thought of something like this, but this is poorly false: build_jar: stage: build. The feature-branch name would be in another file of app code. 0 for example) and I want that our pipelines run in this release branches too, without explicity Sep 17, 2017 · GitLab CI/CD パイプライン設定リファレンス. Artifacts reports. my_build: stage: build only: - develop - web If i remove web it works only on develop branch but im not allowed to run the job from web button. but you can create a copy from that branch and do your job on it and after that create a request for merge it with the main branch. Although better solutions than that exist, there's no denying that copy-paste is one of the primary methods of generating a yaml file. AFAIK this is not possible. Ive tried adding both conditions but this builds non develop branches. If you set every job to this setting then the pipeline will never run. Available only in pipelines for tags. You also have to tell Git to only look at the specified branch for the latest commit. Available in branch pipelines Oct 29, 2021 · For documentation-only changes, only documentation-related jobs need to be included. Summary When specifying the artefacts name in . Using the git name-rev Command. Optimize your YAML files. For an example - If the branch is dev and prd, have the variables dev_aws_credentials and prd_aws_credentials respectively configured in the gitlab. dependencies: Jun 8, 2021 · Hi all! Need you help Have branches like: BBB a b sister/R1 sister/R2 Need to start pipeline on the BBB branch and manula start for the branches like ‘sister/R%’ How to implement it Thanks in advance for your help Jan 6, 2022 · I have this gitlab-ci script that run on branch with the prefix staging-using regex and command in the script that checkout to the pushed branch. Define a variable in GitLab GUI: go in Settings -> CI/CD -> Variables -> Expand -> Add variable. I use built-in variable CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME in combination with global or job-only before_script to solve similar tasks without repeating myself. Still the stage is built no matter the required phrase is in commit message or not. Doing git submodule update --remote seems to force git to focus on the branch you specify in the . yml configuration, e. gitlab-greg December 21, 2021, 4:13pm 6. Change the script: to deploy to a different server. Aug 11, 2022 · 1. Use Azure Key Vault secrets in GitLab CI/CD. 1. How would that be done with rules? I'm guessing GitLab provides some variable that specifies the current branch's name, but I cannot find that. Before, specifying that a job had to be executed only for master branch, for example, was very straightforward. So the one solution I see to this problem is to set in each successful pipeline a commit tag with a name similar to the branch name, and use that as the compare_to parameter in the next pipeline for that branch. That is also why GitLab documentation mentions these: CI_COMMIT_TAG - The commit tag name. Find your way around GitLab. yml wildcards so things like that not working. So far so good. Aug 16, 2021 · Hi everyone. Intended users Developers. Sorted by: 5. Thank you. Jun 3, 2021 · You can read more about them on Gitlab's official documentation: Gitab CI workflow and Gitlab CI rules. Also, from the official GitLab documentation: Use unique names for your jobs. yml that looks like this: Oct 23, 2018 · If you do not need to know the paths, but you simply need to run a specific job only when a specific file is changed, then use only/changes. yml file Sep 12, 2017 · Along with @stefan's answer to this question. yml file: pdf: script: xelatex mycv. If your project is running CI/CD jobs configured in another project, hard-coded references to the master branch will need to be updated to use either main or to use a default branch name CI/CD Dec 10, 2020 · OK, we now have automated tests here! GitLab CI will run our test script every time we push new code to the repository. 4 all The name of the project's default branch. This is easy enough. while build is running, dev merges "test" to master. Git’s git name-rev command can find the symbolic names for given revs. yaml. job: only: - milestone-*. I can't seem to do variable replacement here or in a regex (as seen commented out). I tried with 'only' keyword, but it shows an E Aug 29, 2018 · All you need to do is use except in the gitlab-ci. only: - /1. Nov 5, 2022 · ci_commit_ref_name ジョブが実行されているブランチまたはタグ名を参照する。 ci_commit_ref_slug ci_commit_ref_nameを小文字化して63byteに圧縮したもの。 ci_commit_sha コミットのリビジョン番号を参照する。 ci_commit_branch コミットされたブランチ名を指す。 ci_commit_tag Jun 15, 2020 · Viewed 1k times. yml file like this, and want to run it only on Branch Master. To get the files use : git diff --name-only ${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_DIFF_BASE_SHA} CI/CD YAML syntax reference. in the script I compare the tag's commit hash and master HEAD's commit hash and fails the step if they are not equal Oct 11, 2018 · CI_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME is a newly defined variable which stores resolved target branch name. CI_DEPENDENCY_PROXY_GROUP_IMAGE_PREFIX 13. The paths keyword determines which files to add to the job artifacts. AWESOME_GITLAB_API_TOKEN is the variable configured in repository's CI/CD variable config. Support variables in CI/CD pipeline 'workflow:rules' Previously, the rules keyword was limited in scope and only determined if a job should be included or excluded from pipelines. Oct 1, 2021 · Iduoad October 2, 2021, 2:21pm 2. Improve this answer. This is working on my project without problems. Learn Git. A name consisting of only CI/CD variables could evaluate to an empty string if all the variables are also empty. You should try to allow only branches, except everything different from your regexp : only: - branches. Run a independent pipeline and read the hash/name of the previous pipeline. However it also runs if I create a tag ending '-rc'. Oct 1, 2021 · Actually, I want to run a ansible playbook at both the stages i. Feb 20, 2022 · I want the Gitlab pipeline to be initiated only when there is a merge request. Are there any options? Find your way around GitLab. Gitlab CI will cancel previous pipeline and start new one. except: - branch-name. Define this keyword at the top level, with a single rules. except: - ^(?!(RCT_release. That is, when the Branch Master merges the changes from Branch Foo, the pipeline returns the name of Aug 21, 2020 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. As far as I know, there is no easy way to tell GitLab which branches that are allowed to be merged into which other branches. There’s a problem with the logic of your rules statements. Then, reference the variable in your job through $ {PUSH_TOKEN}. Sorted by: 13. 61. Debug pipelines. *$. Secure your application. echo "Ref $1 is on main branch. first you can create a branch with following command. CI/CD YAML syntax reference. Plan and track your work. But when the YAML file is parsed, you're actually overriding the first job. However, rather than engineering a way to do a full clone or using remote comparisons, I use an inbuilt variable in GitLab-CI : CI_MERGE_REQUEST_DIFF_BASE_SHA. if git branch -r --contains "$1" | grep -q main; then. You can also set variables when triggering pipelines manually or on a schedule, or in the project CI/CD settings. Oct 23, 2018 · As described in the documentation one can define only certain (e. example setup will look something like this (full example link will be at the end of answer). stages: - release_to_qa. I want to setup gitlab to run a job when a branch when the branch name matches some criteria. yml file and add your branches directly below like this: stage: test. . Add a comment. ymlというYAMLファイルを使って設定します。. IF (this CI pipeline is triggered by a merge request) AND (CI commit branch name (variable not available in merge requests) is not Jun 25, 2021 · Yes, but only if you set it on each job within the pipeline. image: somedockerimage. CI_COMMIT_BRANCH - The commit branch name. In my work we use git flow to manager our repos branches. The issue is: a tag can be referenced (part of the history of) multiple branch. Not on commits to any branch. May 31, 2019 · I have the same question! From what I can tell (below), we’ll have to use the git command: git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r <commit hash> in our CI scripts to obtain the list of changed files, one per line, and then iterate over that list. Oct 7, 2020 · Use variables per branch in gitlab. Jul 5, 2021 · As someone who already mentioned, this is because GitLab-CI does a shallow clone and not a full clone. Note: In the above example, we assume that file1. When the Pipeline runs for a tag, there is no variable defined that indicates the branch. Mar 17, 2020 · You cannot do it since tag is not related to a branch but for a commit, so you can compare the tag's commit to master's HEAD, this is my solution: the condition only checks that the last commit was on a tag. Our branch is called "1. fi. Secure Files. branches) that trigger a ci pipeline job:. Mar 16, 2023 · Is there a way to establish a wildcard branch name for an rule/if statement? Feel like I have tried many combos and none seem to allow the rule to get pass/run. Unfortunately, the step currently makes use of only and except clauses so I'll have to also convert them into rules syntax, which I've not fully grasped yet. 0 I want it to only match release branches that are for that version. tags: - dev. I want a step in the build process only to run on the master branch, if there where changes to the src folder. The path to the CI/CD configuration file. 1 Answer. This example shows that the pipeline will only be executed when a new merge request is created, the last when is set to never to prevent pipelines from executing when a new branch is pushed to the server or for any other type of event. qa: Apr 16, 2019 · Only run GitLab CI job when target branch of a MR is a specific branch. interruptible: true. master ). " exit 0. If you go to your project on GitLab, then to Settings -> General -> Merge Requests. For example, 12-release. However, I also only want to run this job if the target branch is a specific one (e. Manage your infrastructure. yml to the repository has shell access to the production server. I want to trigger a pipeline everytime the current milestone branch changes it works fine with hardcoded milistone number the problem is that we increase the milestone number, every 2 weeks and gitlab runner doesn't parse . しかし、このCIパイプラインの実行は、そのままではMR元ブランチを元にした実行となるため「MRが Find your way around GitLab. Defining a variable is not necessary for various usage. OR. I need to call a bash script from my gitlab cicd pipeline. feature. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . I would like to have that job run if a file in the specified directory has changed at any commit in the branch. Feb 11, 2019 · 6. 7, we can alternatively use the git rev-parse command to get the current branch name: $ git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD. I know this has been asked a lot of times and there are helpful answers available. *$/ script: - cd /var/www/project - sudo git reset --hard Sep 15, 2022 · In the pipeline for the merge request save the hash/name in an artifact. To create job artifacts, use the artifacts keyword in your . And, since GitLab 16. 3 (August 2023): Jul 12, 2019 · It is a pre-built, fully-featured CI/CD pipeline that automates the entire delivery process. gitlab-ci. only: - merge_requests. bu ky dt su ln sa kc ej th rs

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